Lakes Community Center Association
17520 Elizabeth Lake Road
Lake Hughes, CA 93532


General Membership Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 3, 2022    7:00 pm   The Rock Inn


Board Members Present                                                   

Rhonda Kersey – President                                                

Bill Beeson – Vice President                                               

William Leon – Secretary                                                   

Karan Hall – Corresponding Secretary                               

Frank Toothaker – Treasurer                                             


A quorum was met

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm

Welcome everyone

Sign In sheet

Pledge of Allegiance


Treasurer’s  Report

Treasure’s report for the month ending October 31, 2022 was presented by Treasurer Frank Toothaker with a copy provided to each board member. The bank balance is $41,546.13. Refund from Anheuser-Busch refunded LCCA for beer overcharge (49ers Day) in the amount of $819.35.  Motion to approve Treasure Report by Karan Hall, seconded by Megan Bachman, and passed unanimously.


Additions to Agenda

Rental Review – Rhonda Kersey will review and discuss with Frank Toothaker what will need to be updated.


Keys in Key Box – Rhonda Kersey asked that if you use key, please return to the Key Box. If a key is lost, bring it to the attention to Board Members to get a replacement. Jim Wall will be given 2 keys (gate & backdoor) for voting.


Golf Cart – Bill Beeson advised that the donated golf cart is not street legal. We have title, need to go to DMV and register to LCCA. Bill Beeson & Frank Toothaker to issue an acknowledgement letter to donor. Shed enclosure needed to secure golf cart. Shed enclosure will be built with old materials.


Concrete Bench – Mike Goerisch would like to use existing concrete bench sides to build new bench with redwood slats for seat and back. Completed bench to be placed at entrance next to fire road. Cost will be $150.00 maximum.

Motion to approve by Judy Miller, seconded by Sue Goerisch, and passed unanimously.


Motion for LLC to fund memorial sign for Janet Marshall made by Bill Beeson, seconded by David Hall, and passed unanimously.


Old Business

Marquee Sign – David Hall suggested double sided digital screens to go into existing interior of marquee, cost for sign $5,570 – $6,000. LCCA can possibly digital ad space.


Waste Management – David Hall has begun conversation with Sandra. David Hall will talk about this in next month’s meeting.


Children’s Christmas Party – Will be Saturday December 10, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Judy Miller advised that the Women’s Club will be donating cookies and crafts for event. Kristina Osier’s’s daughter would like to donate wreath for LCC’s front door. Karan Hall will ask Critter if he can be Santa.


New Business

Motion for Bank Signature Authorization – It was motioned by Frank Toothaker that that Lakes Community Center Association (LCCA) change the authorized signers on the LCCA bank account held at US Bank. The new authorized signers shall be the Treasurer Frank M. Toothaker, the Recording Secretary William Leon, and the President Rhonda Kersey. All former officers shall be removed as authorized signers. After discussion Frank Toothaker moved that the motion be amended to add Bill Beeson as an authorized signer.  The amended motion was seconded by Karan Hall and passed unanimously


Write up Review for Fire Truck – Bill Beeson provided update on the broken hitch. Replacement Hitch will cost $89.00 from Harbor Freight. Oil pan needed to protect surface under the fire truck. Bill Beeson has pavers to make walkway to fire truck. Sign for fire truck history is in the works. San Fernando King of Trim can reconstruct the fire truck’s chrome trim. Bill Beeson is thinking that creating an email or text chain for fire truck help and donations. Dennis Miller handed out fire truck’s history write up.


Christmas Decorating of the LCC – Rhonda Kersey and Karan Hall will bring down Christmas decorations before Tuesday, December 6, 2022.  Rhonda Kersey will post in Facebook “Our Mountain 411” any child wanting to help decorate is welcome to come on by Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 4:00 pm.


Christmas Tree Bonfire – Tom Kaucher needs official request from LCCA no later than 01/01/2023 to have this event. Motion to approve by Judy Miller, seconded by Kristina Osier, and passed unanimously.  Linda Winkler mentioned that we need to obtain a permit for burn, both Los Angeles County Fire Department and U.S. Forestry Service both need to agree for approval.  Tom Kaucher. will work on getting permit.


Calendar Review

Rhonda Kersey – Next LCCA meeting will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2022 at the LLC, this date is also Karan Hall’s birthday. Christmas decorating in the LLC will be on Tuesday, December 6, 2022.  Children’s Christmas Party and Santa visit will be Saturday December 10, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Women’s Club will not meet in December, they will only be sewing on  Monday, December 5, 2022. Christmas Tree Bonfire will be help on Sunday January 1, 2023. LCC Christmas decoration swill be put away prior to Saturday, January 7, 2023 as there is a private party at the LCC that day.

Meeting Concluded at 8:22 pm.

Minutes submitted by Secretary William Leon

Prior Minutes

November 2022

March 2020